Monday, January 23, 2012

Pinterest for dudes

Hello All! Hope you had a great weekend. I wanted to let you in on a little finding that I came across this weekend.... INTRODUCING: Pinterest for dudes . Now, I'm not sure how many men would be into this website, but I think it's a great catch! It weeds out all of the fashion, crafty DIY items that flood most of your Pinterest feeds. I took a look around, and it's got potential, but we will see just how many dudes really go in for the kill. Have a looksey around, why dont 'cha

1 comment:

  1. i like this.. there have been some guys on pinterest who i see start to follow me and i think... oh they are in the wrong place.. even though they could totally still use it.. this site is way better! and apporpriately geared toward guy gear! haha. love it
